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Lee SK, Kweon YC, LEE AR, Lee YY, and Park CY. Metastasis enhancer PGRMC1 boosts store-operated Ca2+ entry by uncoiling Ca2+ sensor STIM1 for focal adhesion turnover and actomyosin formation. Cell Reports 38 (3), 18 January (2022) doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2021.110281.
Jang DG, Kwon KY, Kweon YC, Kim BG, Myung KJ, Lee HS, Park CY, Kwon TJ, Park TJ. GJA1 depletion causes ciliary defects by affecting Rab11 trafficking to the ciliary base. eLife (2022)11:e81016. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.81016.
Chen XX, Liu T, Qin X, Nguyen QQ, Lee SK, Lee CW, Ren YQ, Chu J, Zhu G, Yoon TY, Park CY, and Park HK. Simultaneous Real-Time Three-Dimensional Localization and FRET Measurement of Two Distinct Particles. Nano Lett. (2021), 21, 18, 7479–7485. doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c01328.
Hyun JM, Park MH, Lee YH, Lee YG, Jeong SJ, Choi SS, Khim KW, Eom HJ, Hur JH, Park CY, Kim JI, JPark JY, Ryu HW, Jang HJ, Oh SR, Choi JH. Vernicia fordii (Hemsl.) Airy Shaw extract stimulates insulin secretion in pancreatic β-cells and improves insulin sensitivity in diabetic mice. Journal of Ethnopharmacology Volume 278, 5 October (2021) doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2021.114238.
Bae YJ, Lee SK, Chae YC, Park CY, Kang SB. Accessibility-dependent topology studies of membrane proteins using a SpyTag/SpyCatcher protein-ligation system. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 175, 171-178 1 April (2021) doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2021.02.015.
Lee SK, Lee M, Jeong SJ, Qin X, Lee AR, Park H, Park CY. The inactivation domain of STIM1 acts through intramolecular binding to the coiled-coil domain in the resting state. Journal of Cell Science 2020 133: jcs237354 doi: 10.1242/jcs.237354
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Choi SS, Lee SK, Kim JK, Park H-K, Lee EJ, Jang JH, Lee YH, Khim KW, Hyun JM, Eom HJ, Lee SM, Kang BH, Chae YC, Myung KJ, Myung SJ, Park CY, and Choi JH. Flightless-1 inhibits ER stress-induced apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells by regulating Ca2+ homeostasis. Experimental & Molecular Medicine volume 52, pages 940-950 (2020)
Kim KM., Rana A. & Park CY. Orai1 inhibitor STIM2β regulates myogenesis by controlling SOCE dependent transcriptional factors. Sci Rep 9, 10794 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-47259-5
Song EK, Jeon JM, Jang DG, Kim HE, Sim HJ, Kwon KY, Medina-Ruiz S, Jang HJ, Lee AR, Rho JG, Lee HS, Kim SJ, Park CY, Myung KJ, Kim W, Kwon TJ, Yang SY, Park TJ (2018) ITGBL1 modulates integrin activity to promote cartilage formation and protect against arthritis. Sci Transl Med. Oct 10;10(462). pii: eaam7486. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aam7486.
Jin Y, Hong Y, Park CY*, Hong Y* (2017) Molecular Interactions of Autophagy with the Immune System and Cancer Int J Mol Sci. 18(8) (co-corresponding) doi: 10.3390/ijms18081694
Zhang Y, Fox JT, Park YU, Elliott G, Rai G, Cai M, Sakamuru S, Huang R, Xia M, Lee K, Jeon MH, Mathew BP, Park HD, Edelmann W, Park CY, Hong SY, Maloney D, Myung K. (2016) A Novel Chemotherapeutic Agent to Treat Tumors with DNA Mismatch Repair Deficiencies. Cancer Res. 76(14):4183.
Lee HA, Nam DG, Cho JK, Araúzo-Bravo M.J., Kwon SY, Zaehres H, Lee TH, Park CY, Kang HW, Schöler HR, and Kim JB (2016) Establishment of feeder-free culture system for human induced pluripotent stem cells on DAS nanocrystalline graphene. Sci Rep 6 :20708 DOI:10.1038/srep20708
Rana A, Yen M, Sadaghiani AM, Malmersjö S, Park CY*, Dolmetsch RE*, and Lewis S*. (2015) Alternative splicing converts STIM2 from an activator to an inhibitor of store-operated calcium channels. J Cell Biol 209 (5), 653-670 (co-corresponding).
Sadaghiani AM, Lee SM, Odegaard JI, Leveson-Gower DB, McPherson OM, Novick P, Kim MR, Koehler AN, Negrin R, Dolmetsch RE*, Park CY*. (2014) Identification of Orai1 Channel Inhibitors by Using Minimal Functional Domains to Screen Small Molecule Microarrays. Chemistry & biology (Cell Chemical Biology) 21 (10), 1278-1292 (co-corresponding)
Chi SM, Seo YK, Park YK, Yoon S, Park CY, Kim YS, Kim SY, Nam D. (2014) REGNET: mining context-specific human transcription networks using composite genomic information.
Chun HJ, Park HC, Koo SC, Lee JH, Park CY, Choi MS, Kang CH, Baek D, Cheong YH, Yun DJ, Chung WS, Cho MJ, Kim MC. (2012) Constitutive expression of mammalian nitric oxide synthase in tobacco plants triggers disease resistance to pathogens. Mol Cells. Nov;34(5):463-71. doi: 10.1007/s10059-012-0213-0.
Park, CY, Shcheglovitov, A., Dolmetsch, RE. The CRAC Channel Activator STIM1 Binds and Inhibits L-Type Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels. (2010) Science. 330: 101-105. DOI: 10.1126/science.1191027.
Park HC, Park CY, Koo SC, Cheong MS, Kim KE, Kim MC, Lim CO, Lee SY, Yun DJ, Chung WS. (2010) AtCML8, a calmodulin-like protein, differentially activating CaM-dependent enzymes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant cell reports 29 (11), 1297-1304
Park CY, Hooverv PJ., Mullins F, P. Bachhawat, Covington ED., Raunser S., Walz T., Garcia KC., Dolmetsch RE, and Lewis RS, (2009) STIM1 Clusters and Activates CRAC channels via Direct Binding of a Cytosolic Domain to Orai1. Cell 136(5): 876-890 doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2009.02.014.
Mullins F., Park CY, Dolmetsch RE and Lewis RS. (2009) STIM1 and calmodulin interact with Orai1 to induce Ca2+-dependent inactivation of CRAC channels. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 106(36): 15495-15500. (co-first authors)
Eroglu C., Allen N., Susman MW., O’Rourke NA., Park CY, Ozkan E., Chakraorty C., Mulinyawe SB., Annis DS., Huberman AD., Green EM., Lawlet J., Dolmetsch R, Garcia KC., Smith SJ., Luo ZD., Rosenthal A., Mosher DF and Barres BA (2009) The Gabapentin Receptor a2d1 is the Neuronal Thrombospondin Receptor Responsible for Excitatory CNS synaptogenesis. Cell 139(2): 380-392 doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2009.09.025.
Park CY and Dolmetsch RE, (2006) Cell signaling. The double life of a transcription factor takes it outside the nucleus. Science 314: 64-5.
~ 2005
Park CY, Lee JH, Yoo JH, Moon BC, Choi MS, Kang YH, Lee SM, Kim HS, Kang KY, Chung WS, Lim CO, Cho MJ. (2005) WRKY group IId transcription factors interact with calmodulin. FEBS Lett. 579(6): 1545-50.
Yoo JH, Park CY, Kim JC, Heo WD, Cheong MS, Park HC, Kim MC, Moon BC, Choi MS, Kang YH, Lee JH, Kim HS, Lee SM, Yoon HW, Lim CO, Yun DJ, Lee SY, Chung WS, Cho MJ. (2005) Direct interaction of a divergent CaM isoform and the transcription factor, MYB2, enhances salt tolerance in Arabidopsis. J. Biol. Chem. 280 (5): 3697-3706. (co-first authors)
Moon BC, Choi MS, Kang YH, Kim MC, Cheong MS, Park CY, Yoo JH, Koo SC, Lee SM, Lim CO, Cho MJ, Chung WS. (2005) Arabidopsis ubiquitin-specific protease 6 (AtUBP6) interacts with calmodulin. FEBS Lett. 579(18): 3885-90.
Park CY, Heo WD, Yoo JH, Lee JH, Kim MC, Chun HJ, Moon BC, Kim IH, Park HC, Choi MS, Ok HM, Cheong MS, Lee SM, Kim HS, Lee KH, Lim CO, Chung WS, Cho MJ. (2004) Pathogenesis-related gene expression by specific calmodulin isoforms is dependent on NIM1, a key regulator of systemic acquired resistance. Mol. Cells. 18(2): 207-13. (co-first authors).
Yoo JH, Cheong MS, Park CY, Moon BC, Kim MC, Kang YH, Park HC, Choi MS, Lee JH, Jung WY, Yoon HW, Chung WS, Lim CO, Lee SY, and Cho MJ. (2004) Regulation of the Dual-specificity protein phosphatase, DsPTP1, through interaction with calmodulin. J. Biol. Chem. 279 (2): 848-858.
Park HC, Kim ML, Kang YH, Jeon JM, Yoo JH, Kim MC, Park CY, Jeong JC, Moon BC, Lee JH, Yoon HW, Lee SH, Chung WS, Lim CO, Lee SY, Hong JC, Cho MJ. (2004) Pathogen- and NaCl-induced expression of the SCaM-4 promoter is mediated in part by a GT-1 box that interacts with a GT-1-like transcription factor. Plant Physiol. 35(4): 2150-61.
Cheong YH, Moon BC, Kim JK, Kim CY, Kim MC, Kim IH, Park CY, Kim JC, Park BO, Koo SC, Yoon HW, Chung WS, Lim CO, Lee SY, and Cho MJ. (2003) BWMK1, a Rice Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase, Locates in the Nucleus and Mediates Pathogenesis-Related Gene Expression by Activation of a Transcription Factor. Plant Physiol. 132(4): 1961-72.
Choi JY, Lee SH, Park CY, Heo WD, Kim JC, Kim MC, Chung WS, Moon BC, Cheong YH, Kim CY, Yoo JH, Koo JC, Ok HM, Chi SW, Ryu SE, Lee SY, Lim CO, Cho MJ. (2002) Identification of calmodulin isoform-specific binding peptides from A phage-displayed random 22-mer peptide library. J. Biol. Chem. 277(24): 21630-21638. (co-first authors)
Kim MC, Lee SH, Kim JK, Chun HJ, Choi MS, Chung WS, Moon BC, Kang CH, Park CY, Yoo JH, Kang YH, Koo SC, Koo YD, Jung JC, Kim ST, Schulze-Lefert P, Lee SY, and Cho MJ. (2002) Mlo, a modulator of plant defense and cell death, is a novel calmodulin-binding protein: isolation and characterization of a rice Mlo homologue. J. Biol. Chem. 277(22): 19304-19314
Chung WS, Lee SH, Kim JC, Heo WD, Kim MC, Park CY, Park HC, Lim CO, Kim WB, Harper JF, and Cho MJ. (2000) Identification of a Calmodulin-Regulated Soybean Ca2+-ATPase (SCA1) That is Located in the Plasma Membrane. Plant Cell 12(8): 1393-1407.
Lee SH, Kim MC, Heo WD, Kim JC, Chung WS, Park CY, Park HC, Cheong YH, Kim CY, Lee KJ, Bahk JD, Lee SY, and Cho MJ. (1999) Competitive binding of calmodulin isoforms to calmodulin-binding proteins: Implication for the function of calmodulin isoforms in plants. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1433(1-2): 56-67.
Heo WD, Lee SH, Kim MC, Kim JC, Chung WS, Chun HJ, Lee KJ, Park CY, Park HC, Choi JY, and Cho MJ. (1999) Involvement of Specific Calmodulin Isoforms in Salicylic Acid-Independent Activation of Plant Disease Resistance Responses. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 96(2): 766-71.